New Roving Arrived!

It’s like Christmas when a box of roving arrives back home! Shari at is a magician I swear! The sheep sort their fleeces into batches for her to card into pin-drafted or loose roving. Loose roving is airy and fluffy. Pin-drafted roving is carded one extra time into a coil. Both are equally easy to spin and lovely. You really never know what they might create- thus the Christmas present factor. We have most of the new roving available here on the website and have done a little adjustment of prices to make things a little more affordable for you in this current world we live in. You can read more about our roving here… and find it for sale on our website here…. Thank you for stopping by to see what is new with the sheep- they send smooches and hope your weekend brings you many Fruit Loop Margaritas!