Here comes March- in like a lamb it seems?

We never know what to expect from ANY weather any more! Will it be warmer, colder, rainy? Weatherman is predicting thunderstorms this weekend? Ridiculous. The sheep have a good giggle watching me use my arms like windmills to keep my balance outside. The top inch or two of ground has thawed. I swear, the ice under the mud makes it worse to walk than plain old ice. Time to put the cleats back on my boots today. It’s been around 30 and breezy so my woolie sheep are not as out of breath today. I reminded them we are about a month from shearing day. Gadzooks right? Sir Maxwell, Millie and Bunny stayed on the cement in their pasture while I was out. A nice oasis from the mud and you would be amazed how many sheep can fit onto that little slip of concrete!