
September 2023
Well, Isaac was not happy when bedtime rolled around the other night! Such a long face dude with an attitude! The sheep tend to jump on their beds and get all rowdy at bedtime. Caught them at it this time! ha!

Our little sheep is growing up already! He ‘helped’ me sort wool locks on the front porch. It was a beautiful afternoon and he was too interested in the wire basket holding the locks ready to spin. Luckily I saw his plans before they could unfold! He even gave me a proper stink eye for being a step ahead of him!


March 24, 2021

Isaac is growing up- he’s almost a big sheep! He’s so mellow and I can’t wait to see his fleece next month!


February 22, 2021

The weather is warming up- well at least it is above Zero today! Heatwave! Left to right we have Merlin; Bunny and Isabella. Isaac is laying in the middle of the photo. There was a bit of sun so they were out running zoomies after I woke them up from a nap. Isaac is almost caught up and yearling size now. Bunny is growing but will always be petite. Merlin has blue eyes I adore and Isabella is a sassy lamb!


November 2020: Isaac is growing up!


This little lamb arrived as a companion to Timber- both bottle lambs. He is an East Friesian sheep from our friend Deb’s flock. He’s fast as lightning but very kind to his brother who has some serious disabilities. Sheep are so amazing! More info to follow!
