Let me OUT of this house....

….puny human!

February 16, 2021

Fletcher and his Great Pyrenees pals are sick to death of being stuck in the house the past week. They are like a bunch of bored toddlers I swear! They know it is too cold to be outside very long so their answer is to want out every 15 minutes or so. All. Day. Long. Good thing they are so adorable right? Ha!

My Pyrs are not dogs that like to play with toys- unless they’ve managed to steal my barn boots and chew them up. Then hide them in the orchard. They think they are sly. That I can’t see what they’ve done. After leaving the evidence in plain view. Bwaahahahaha! They are so funny!

Did you know 100 pound dogs can move every so quietly when they want to? Can’t tell you how many heart attacks they’ve given me over the years. I’ll see them on the living room couch, next second I turn around they are in front of me. Directly in front to get where they think I am going- first. They are really stealthy counter surfers too.

They are also the smartest, most loving dogs. They only do tricks if they WANT to but expect treats for just being in the room with you. And I almost always happily oblige them. I’ve created wonderful, beautiful monsters!
