Sanctuary Wool - Homestead Wool & Gift Farm

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Raven's turn for a haircut!

This is Raven’s very first shearing- a baby fleece! She is an East Fresian sheep from our friend Deb’s flock. Luckily she’s been up on the shearing stand before. We worked with her as she grew so she would be used to it. She looks thrilled right?

Oh Raven- you will feel SO much better!

This picture shows the beautiful black wool hiding under the cinnamon colored tips. The cinnamon color is from the sunshine. I love it.

And then she was bare! It’s been chilly at night here- Spring seems to be waiting to arrive? I was worried about having shivery, naked sheep. I tried out several different clipper blades and found my favorite. It left about 1/2 inch of wool to keep her warm. Also went fastest through the wool. Raven was quite patient. Princess was not happy though- didn’t even eat her grain?

I’m so glad I am checking feet and such. When I trimmed her front foot I found what may be a puncture wound in the softest part of her toe. Ouch. I cleaned it out, soaked it, medicated her foot then gave her a dose of antibiotic just in case. Followed by her vaccines. Was so proud of me- until I was falling asleep last night and it occurred to me I had not given her a dose of wormer? Egads Sandy.

There are so many differences with each fleece. The white one on the left is Ticco’s Mohair (Angora goat). On the right is Raven’s East Fresian wool. I’m always so surprised to see how little the sheep look after they are shorn! Raven’s fleece averages locks 4 inches long, is bouncy wool with low lanolin content and lovely black! We’ll be offering up fleeces as I go- keep an eye out on the website ok?

PS- here is Raven’s biography