Welcome Little One!

April 2020

Every Spring a lamb or two finds its way to us. I love them so much. Bottle lambs can be a lot of work but they make up for it in many many ways. Sweet little souls tromping around in the house, flopping down on blankets to nap and being where I am. Most like to be rocked to sleep. Not this little boy! He’s quite independent and it is serving him well. He has some physical disabilities to overcome and work through.


His favorite place to sleep is at my feet under my little computer table. He is very sure he does NOT want to be held. Only scratched when he wants to be. Cracks me UP!

He is an East Fresian sheep who got a little smooshed by his twin while they waited to be born. His front legs are a little crooked and he has a crooked neck. He has a head tilt for now. He is making progress even in just the few days he’s been here with us. His walking is stronger and he is practicing his lamb hops. Only his front feet get a tiny bit off the ground but he is so proud! He tosses his head around to sass me like a regular lamb too. Sassy is a good attitude for him! We’ll keep you posted on his progress!
