Jolly Dog!

We recently adopted a Great Pyrenees and named him Jolly. He is certainly a very very very jolly dog! His full name is Jolly Isaac Hilton Ryan. How’s THAT?? He will be one year old in February 2020. He currently weighs 100 pounds. Whoa!

His owners loved him dearly but Jolly’s leg was broken and they could not afford the medical care he needed. They asked us to adopt him so - well- of course we did!


The injury happened in November 2019. Both bones in his right front leg were broken clear through. Ouch! This is the original x-ray of his leg when we brought him home.


The second x-ray is from Jolly’s check up on Friday. His youth is working for him indeedy. Can you see the shadow around the break? That is new bone tissue forming around the break. The smaller bone (ulna) is healing almost straight. The bigger bone will be crooked. Most likely he will have a bump on his leg and it does toe out a little. Might even be a little bit shorter than the other?


All of our critters have the most wonderful veterinarians. The Brodhead Veterinary Clinic is the best. They’ve kept them in the best care for 20 years now. Thank you all!

Now we wait! Jolly is off cage rest as long as he is not jumping and pouncing about. No running. He has a tie out on the front porch so he can survey the world. He has a few toys stashed under the porch and sticks to chew up. If he doesn’t have any troubles, he goes back to see his vet at his yearly check up? Go Jolly Dog!

SO, now we just enjoy the cute and let that leg finish healing. You can read more and see many photos of Jolly Dog in his bio! More updates soon!!!
