Sanctuary Wool - Homestead Wool & Gift Farm

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What in the wool world is going on around here?!

Our very first sheep- Woolamina!

Hello everyone! Hope summer finds you safe and well! We’ve had some crazy 100 degree temps and holy moly humid days. Lots of them. The sheep are doing ok though, they have their cool spots in the dairy barn, leaning up against the old stone foundation. That and the fans keep them nice and cool. The llamas and alpacas spend time standing in the kiddy pools and of all things- laying in the sunshine?? Good gracious!

As you’ve probably noticed we’ve added a new item to the website recently. Woolamina’s Junk Journals and supplies. Woolamina aka Mina was our very first sheep so many years ago. Seemed only right to name my new endeavor after her! I have always collected most anything old when it comes to photos, books, paper, etc. My painting skills have deteriorated due to a physical condition that causes my hands to shake. Specially when I am trying to do intricate detail work. (of course) SO, there was a very big hole in my creative life. A friend suggested I share the finds I’ve accumulated in the form of journals. Thank you to Bridgett- you saved me. Truly.

I create a variety of styles that include mainly vintage/antique papers from books, ledgers and lots more. They are original so each journal has a style all its own. Pockets to save trinkets and notes, places to journal about your days, travel or plain ones to decorate yourself. Make it your own we call that! Covers range from old books to vintage wallpaper. I use a variety of items including vintage photos, cabinet cards, ledger papers, newspapers, ads and more. Where I can I include the history of the items, such as ledger papers and the stores they came from way back when. I have them as far back as 1882 for various stores and even a lawyer from England.

My goal is to give a new life to things left behind in antique and thrift shops. I also have a local auction house that I scoop up lots of good stuff. My other goal is to share these historic items with other journal creators and collectors of old things. They historical value is more important to me than prices. The ephemera faeries are very good to me so I can pass the savings along to you. I love seeing how creative other people are with the items they purchase. It is simply amazing. We are offering supplies to creators of journals including vintage books, magazines, paper bundles, journal kits and more. It is good for my soul to see these precious items shared across the world to be given a new use in life. So as many people as possible can enjoy them.

We are of course still selling the sheep’s wool and handspun yarn! I am so predictably behind with things, please email us if you do not see what you need on the site ok? More info to follow, in the meantime I hope you will have an explore of our new creations. Smooches from the sheep!