Sanctuary Wool - Homestead Wool & Gift Farm

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Another New Year!

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And what does a shepherdess like me do for the new year? Spent New Year's Eve with my hubby Jim. Stayed up late, well, at least made it past midnight! I think the sheep were up MUCH longer than that. Party in the barnyard lasted a while.  They forget their manners when they start drinking Fruit Loop Margaritas. We call that bedlamb in the barnyard!

New Year's Eve found me spending a few days with my sister-friend Heidi! I don't leave the farm much so this was quite an excursion for me. She lives in Lacrosse- 3 hours away. I got to meet her Bartolo, aka Bart. He is a gorgeous (and he knows it) Maremma dog who watches over the alpaca boys. This is what a happy dog looks like. Specially when he is proud of the very manly, loud BURP he graced me with when he and I were nose to nose? Heidi and I were shocked, started laughing so loud I think we scared the poor fellow? Then he was all proud- evidenced above. I felt like one of the family but Heidi swears he has better manners than that? Love you Bart! In Heidi's gorgeous studio live two adorable cats on the prowl for any mice that dare to show their faces. Smudge (white cat) and Smokey (gray cat) are so funny. Smudge is a more aloof cat who prefers to see life from afar. He looks amazingly like my old cat Ghost who's been gone now for some years. It was eerie and all I wanted to do was scoop his cute self up. Nope. :0)

Smokey on the other hand was a very cuddly fellow. Heidi and I stayed the night in her studio all comfy, each on a twin camp bed. Well, I WAS comfy, until Smokey popped my camp bed? What was that about? They also spent the night racing around the studio, knocking things down and having the best of times. I didn't want them to know I was watching the party because I thought they would stop if they knew.

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The pictures are of them watching for Heidi to come back to the studio from the house. While she was gone, they had no use for me!  Cute peanuts! Fiona is the Maremma gal who watches over the girl alpacas. She's very serious and dedicated to her herd. She turns into mush when you give her pieces of hot dogs or cheese though! I did not get enough pictures of the alpacas but they are beautiful. All around you beautiful everywhere you look. I could not have picked a favorite. I do have a 'thing' for a shiny black suri alpaca fleece though! Ooh la la! I taught Heidi to knit, practice turned into a scarf she is finishing to keep for herself. It is beauteous! I got to try out her Hansen electric spinning wheel and I am smitten. Definitely added it to my bucket list of things I have to have! It was SO quiet! Heidi's studio is to 'dye' for- tee hee! Seriously though, perfect lighting, plenty of room for all her equipment and fiber AND a kitchen! Saweet! We drank too many strawberry margaritas and probably gave the sheep a run for their money. Shhhh! Don't tell them, I'll never hear the end of it! We had so much fun and are planning to have 'work parties' often. :0)

And LOOK! The barn was still standing when I turned into the driveway! (They look so innocent don't they?) Thank you for the party Heidi- adore you!!! Smooches from our sheep! Sandyrella ...where sheep may safely graze.