Sanctuary Wool - Homestead Wool & Gift Farm

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Welcome Big Guy!

This pretty little alpaca retired into our flock a few weeks ago. My friend needed a place for him after his lifelong alpaca friend passed away. Alpacas cannot live alone- they are meant to be part of a herd/flock. At least in pairs so he came here. He is living with our Suri Alpaca girls and Oliver and Maxwell in the small pasture. Several of the suris retired here too so he has good company and familiar faces.

Big Guy is not so sure about his new friend Maxwell though. Maxwell is one of our bottle lambs- he and Oliver just moved outside into that pasture. Maxwell is so excited to be back in a flock he stays very close to the alpacas. Giddy little lamb! Big Guy is not so sure he wants Maxwell so close but he’s getting used to his little tag along buddy.

He is a beauteous auburn colored Huacaya alpaca with pretty white markings. He is 24 years old so I am glad we had friends here for him. He has already decided the grain we feed tastes good, yummy enough to abandon his original grain. He likes his alfalfa hay- and is great about sharing with his friends.

We’ll add more pictures soon- he is such a sweet fellow and we are lucky to retire him here!