Sanctuary Wool - Homestead Wool & Gift Farm

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Memories Monday! It's Baker!

Our adorable flock started out with a bunch of Border Leicester sheep. They are such elegant, stoic and just wonderful to be around sheep. Baker arrived as one of our bottle lambs long ago. He had the most adorable 'rabbit' ears! 

He and his brother Treasure romped around the house for a few weeks, then it was warm enough for them to go out and be 'big sheep'. I'm always sad to send them out but I hear that means I am doing a good job, raising good sheep? I still cry every time though! (Sissy Farmer that I am)

Baker was a Border Leicester sheep with long, curly, soft locks. I spun my first skeins of my lash yarn with his wool.  read more about Border Leicester sheep.

Young Baker in partial fleece!

Before our Wisconsin weather became so unpredictable, we sheared our Border Leicesters twice a year. Every six months they gave us shiny curls that were 4 to 5 inches long. Once the weather went off kilter we sheared them once a year. Wowser the locks were long!! 

Baker was a sweet sheep who loved his Fruit Loops (very much) and his friend Brady. 

Taking a snooze! 

What ARE you looking at?!

Keep an eye out, Memory Mondays are fun since we've had so many wonderful sheep over the years. I remember every one of them and miss them all. However, it is fun to write about them and share their stories! 

Happy almost Spring! (Shearing day will be around the weekend of April 21- woohoo!)