Sanctuary Wool - Homestead Wool & Gift Farm

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Ever wonder What goes on around this place?

Don't laugh next time you see someone claim to live on a 'funny farm'! Most days it is very true- here is my day so far, it is only noon:

Up early. Thank God. Had no idea what awaited me. Kitten jumped out from the depths of the office. Fixed her house. There. Jim emailed me to say the plumber was on his way to (finally) fix the toilet. WHAT?? Before I could gather up the dogs, plumber was waiting at the gate. Let him in. Dogs would not back up from the yard gate. Freaked out the plumber. Dogs knew it. Set stink eye Milo off. Luckily he knows 'out' means to back away. Milo, not the plumber. I am quite sure the thought occurred to him. Got plumber through to the house, Puppy and Milo duck out gate into the yard. Thank God driveway gate is closed. Showed the plumber to bathroom upstairs. Back outside. Wrangled Puppy and Milo back in the yard. Locked gate. Puppy and Teagan open back door. Race upstairs to 'help'. Googly eyed about company. Milo slower. Shooshed him out. Shooshed Teagan and Puppy back out. Chico climbing stairs stalking plumber. Wings out, swaying back and forth. Being all 'that'. Chico back on his stand. Plumber needs part from his truck. Repeat shenanigans to get him out and back in. More dogs running in the yard. Back in. He's done in 10 minutes, minus the silliness. He liked Chico. Offered to leave Chico to him in my will. He said no. Got through the gate with out dogs. Opened driveway gate. Off he went. Plenty of tales to tell about the crazy lady. Her crazy hair. Wearing shorts. Crazy pets. Pet sheep? He was shocked. He may have needed a stop off at the bar on the way back to the shop. I need a box of wine. One straw. Not sharing.