Sanctuary Wool - Homestead Wool & Gift Farm

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Lots going on!

Even though it is cooooold outside! Each year I fuss about the weather. I need good sheep weather. Cold enough they don't get too warm, but not too cold either. Happens every year to my fussbudget self... Bundle up for chores, weather man says it is 30 below zero wind chill and outside I go.

The Pyrs are happy, playing ON the snow that has now become ice. First step out the door and I contemplate the idea of adding a pillow as padding to my hinder. Nope, already one foot outside. Gotta go through with it right now. Because my sheep desperately need me to keep them warm and comfy right?

And what do I see as I look out? Oh, funny funny sheep. This is NOT what I see. THIS is what I see. So they really don't need me? Looks like some fun sheep shenanigans going on to me. Guess if the sun is out life is good?! Maybe my idea of cold should be adjusted? Hmmm. ANYhoo, while they are out having fun I am working on adding some new items to their website. Hope you can stop in and see if there is anything you absolutely cannot live with out for your next project!! Lots and lots of fun for everyone- with some sheepie specialness included!

The sheep are sending hugs to keep you warm!

San & the sheep

Jim & Sandy Ryan ...where sheep may safely graze.